In our Theoretical Frameworks course, something we have often been asked to think about and reflect upon is our own teaching philosophies. As a teacher candidate, I don’t think I have a single philosophy that encompasses my beliefs, hopes, and expectations of education. Rather, I am creating, developing, and revising one every day. What I do know, is that education is constantly changing; like education, I am constantly changing. Change comes from growth, and when thinking about my role in education, I believe the best thing I can do is continue to educate myself, continue to listen to others perspectives and philosophies, and engage in conversations about what education means to me as an educator and why it does. Please click through the pages of the PDF below to read my thoughts on one philosopher’s view of education and how they mirror some of my own beliefs, as well as a brief explanation on how I plan to create positive change in education by responding to one of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada calls to action.