My name is Emma, and I was born and raised in Kamloops, B.C. and I’m very proud to be a part of such a wonderful community! I attended Beattie Elementary School in Kamloops for my elementary education, and I’d like to acknowledge some of the amazing teachers who taught at the school and give them credit for my passion for creativity, music, art, and learning. During my elementary school years, my friends and I would always have play dates where we would play pretend classroom – I always wanted to be the teacher of course. I was the child who got so excited to go back to school after summer break and who thought “back-to-school shopping day” was the best day of the year. I remember the teachers that encouraged me to do my best, that took the time to provide extra help when needed, and that gave me confidence in areas that I didn’t know I had. Although I didn’t realize it as a child, I now know how crucial the role of a teacher can be during a child’s adolescence, and how they truly can shape their future. That said, I have decided to become one myself! I’m currently a teacher candidate at Thompson Rivers University and my goal is to begin teaching immediately following my graduation in the Spring of 2022.
What is the Purpose of this Site?
I plan to use this e-portfolio as a means of documenting some of my own education and learning, sharing information that I find interesting and valuable, and eventually using it as a resource for myself, students, and parents.
Thing I do Outside of School:
- Work at TCS, an agency that supports adults with disabilities;
- Spend time with my family and friends;
- Spend time at the lake;
- Go hiking and exploring and engage in various forms of exercise;
- Bake;
- Seek out any cute coffee shop that I can find; and,
- enjoy everything that beautiful B.C. has to offer!

A photo I took while hiking at Paul Lake, B.C.
To obtain experience with children, I spent a summer working as a Teacher Assistant at the International Training Centre at TRU. Groups of students from the ages of 8-18 came from Hong Kong and spent time in Canada. While here, I took the students around Kamloops and the surrounding areas, as well as introduced them to Canadian culture. The students spent half of the day in the classroom learning about Canada and the other half exploring and participating in fun activities. It was truly an amazing experience; I learned just as much from them, if not more, as they learned from me!

Myself, a student, and the teacher I worked with at TRU.

Our wonderful students from Hong Kong.
A Little Bit More About Me…
My Favourite Food: Macaroni & Cheese
The Way to my Heart: COFFEE!

Sipping coffee at East Barriere Lake, B.C.
My Favourite Place: East Barriere Lake, B.C.
My Favourite Subject(s): Anthropology and English
Animals? I’m an animal lover!
My Favourite TV Show(s): Dawson’s Creek (1998) and Friends (1994)
My Favourite Movie(s): Deciding one is too hard, but some include: The Titanic, The Harry Potter Collection, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, The Goonies, The Notebook…oh, the list goes on!
Source: Deen, Sarah. “Kate Hudson wants to know where her evening gown from How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days ended up (Picture: Paramount)”, Mar 3, 2021, retrieved from