P R E – C O N F E D E R A T I O N • C A N A D A • T I M E L I N E
1500’s – Canada’s first peoples
1534 – July 24th, Jacques Cartier erected cross at the entrance to Gaspé Harbour.
1541 – Cartier makes third voyage from France to Canada.
1603 – Acadia established.
1604 – First attempt by the French to settle year-round in the new world. Pierre Du Gua de Monts was the leader of the settlement in Île Sainte-Croix.
1605 – After a long, cold winter, de Monts and Champlain moved the settlement to Port Royal.
1608 – Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec city.
1628 – Approximately 300 European colonists were living in New France.
1639 – Marie de l’Incarnation founded the convent of Ursalines in Quebec.
1649 – Huronia is destroyed by the Iroquois.
1663 – King creates a royal province.
1663 – Fur trade companies in control.
1663 – First arrival of Les Filles du Roi (King’s daughters) in New France.
1701 – “Great Peace of 1701” ended almost a century of war between Iroquois and the French.
1713 – Treaty of Utrecht: settled the War of Spanish Succession (1703-1713)
1754 – Start of the war between the French and English in North America.
1755 – British capture Fort-Beauséjour and discover 300 armed Acadians inside of French lines.
1759 – British attempt to capture Quebec again on September 13th.
1759 – Quebec fell to the British on September 18th.
1759 – Approximately 85,000 European colonists in New France.
1764 – James Murray becomes First British Governor of Quebec.
1774 – The Quebec Act.
1791 – Constitutional Act (Brought in due to Loyalists in Canada).
1840 – Act of Union (Upper and Lower Canada united to become the Province of Canada).
1867 – On July 1, British North American colonies of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the Province of Canada join together to form the Dominion of Canada.
Source: Notes provided by Professor Tracy Penny Light in HIST1120 lectures